In addition to learning the basics of art & design, each young artist represented in the Kids-Did-It! Designs® kids' art collection also earns a licensing royalty for this reproduction of their artwork!
In addition to learning the basics of art & design, each young artist represented in the Kids-Did-It! Designs® kids' art collection also earns a licensing royalty for this reproduction of their artwork!
This deliciously fun introduction to baking features easy-to-follow and fun-to look-at cookie recipes, each illustrated with delightful watercolors from our Kids-Did-It! Designs® kids' art collection. Just imagine Chocolate Chipmunks, Dragon Crisps, Peanut Butterflies, Moon Melts or Peppermint Pig Puffs.
This edition is kid-friendly, colorful and creative, with delightful illustrations, yummy step-by-step recipes using everyday ingredients and instructive graphics that help make the recipes easy to understand.
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